Frequently asked questions

About payments

  1. What are my payment options? 
    Single or Two-Installment payment options are available.
  2. Are installment payments available? 
    Yes, at no up-front fees to you. Please read our two-installment payment plan option carefully before requesting installment payments. To read our installment payment policy click here.
  3. Can my companion and I split payments (use two different credit cards)?
    Yes, but only when each guest sharing a package pay their cost for their half of the package in full at the time the package is ordered. We cannot split payments when guests choose our installment plan. 

What is the reFUND policy? 

All sales are final, there are no returns/no refunds.

Can packages be upgraded? Upgrades are handled on an individual basis. If guests would like to upgrade packages or tickets, call us at 321-783-9004.

Is the festival indoors?

The music and meals are all indoors in an air-conditioned ballroom. Festival guests may also enjoy the venue’s pool and outside tented area while at the event.

What is not allowed in
the festival?

For the security or all our guests, please do not bring the following items into the music venue/ballroom area:

  • Weapons of any kind

  • Cigarettes, tobacco, vapes, alcohol, or any illegal substances

  • Posters, signs, umbrellas, ponchos or any item that would obstruct guests view or enjoyment of the performances 

  • No coolers, food or beverages not purchased inside the event

  • No pool towels, guests in swimming trunks, bikinis, or bathing suits. 

What do VIP ticket
packages include?

See our package details here.

What do reserved
packages include?

See our package details here.

What do tickets only
packages include?

See our package details here.

When are individual day tickets going on sale, and how much will they cost?

Individual day tickets will go on sale at a later date. Please keep checking our website or join our email newsletter to stay updated on festival news.

What is the attire for
the festival?

We want our guests to be comfortably but properly dressed. Ticket holders must be fully dressed, including shoes or flip-flops while anywhere indoors. Guests not fully dressed or in swimming outfits will be escorted out of the ballroom area immediately by security.

For additional questions call Roland at 321-783-9004